Once we have the backup ready we can proceed to erase the disk. This is in case if any files are missing during formatting or installation, the Mac can automatically download them from Apple servers. We would also recommend that you connect your Mac to the Internet via WiFi or Lan cable before beginning the process. We strongly recommend that you take a backup of your data on Mac using Time Machine so that we can restore your data after formatting it.

In this article, we will show you how to erase the hard drive on your Mac and reinstall macOS before you hand it over to someone else or fully restore the Mac to its factory state if it is having some issues. You might also want to erase data on the drive and reinstall macOS if your Mac has run into some software issues and is not working as expected and First Aid in disk utility is unable to fix the problem. You wouldn’t want all your data which includes your files, pictures, videos, and apps, etc to be there on the Mac when you sell it. If you are planning to give away or sell your Mac then the first thing you should do is to erase the data on it. Complete guide to truly clean your Mac machine!